Photography journeys to Austria and Romania 2025

In 2025, you can once again accompany me on photo tours to primary forests and photogenic landscapes Austria and Romania. In cooperation with Bärentrail I will offer photo walks into the charming natural and cultural landscape of the Waldviertel region in northern Austria (May 10, 2025, 8am – 4pm and Juli 5, 2025, 8am 4pm, )  In partnership with ARR Reisen I will accompany tours to some of the last primary forests of Europe –... Read More


Free and wild Isel river in Austria’s beautiful Osttirol (Eastern Tyrol) region is the last glacier born river without any dam from its source (in Hohe Tauern National Park) to its confluence (in City of Lienz). A new hiking trail, the Iseltrail follows the rivers way – from the Dolomite town of Lienz in the green valley basin, surrounded by high alpine peaks, to the source of the river, the glacier gate of the Umbal Kees glacier... Read More

Umbria and Tuscany, Italy

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