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- Agriturismo L'Ariete, Umbria A great place to relax, enjoy, restore energy and find inspiration: The lovely agriturismo „L’Ariete“, run by the Austrians Martina Stromberger and Andi Sax, near the small and ancient hilltop-city of Montone in central Umbria. The agriturismo offers room
- Alamy Stock agency by Ghetty Images
- Ancient woodlands of Romania / Rumäniens bedrohte Urwälder (feature) In Romania more virgin forest has survived than in any other EU country. Photo feature by Matthias Schickhofer
- Agency for photography and journalism at the heart of Europe
- Bärentrail 4-5 days nature hiking route in Austria’s lovely, quiet and relaxing Waldviertel region.
- Blühendes Österreich – Naturmagazin: Visit in Kalkalpen National Park (feature) Story about visit in wild forests in Kalkalpen national park / UNESCO site
- EuroNatur EuroNatur is an international nature conservation foundation aiming to preserve our European natural heritage in all its diversity.
- Fotoschule Gesäuse Fotoschule Gesäuse – experience wilderness and get photographic inspiration
- Iseltrail 5 days nature hiking trail along free flowing river Isel and into the wilderness of the high Alps in Austria’s Osttirol region.
- Peru in 20 days. Photo feature with In rainy season through all climate zones of the world. Text & images: Matthias Schickhofer
- plainpicture
- Portfolio with Schickhofer-Photography with neuebildanstalt – a high quality and creativity photo agency specialized on book covers and illustrations.
- Romania – Europe's Wildest Forests Under Threat (feature) ASAblanca photographer, journalist and book author Matthias Schickhofer already visited Romania’s impressive primeval forests many times and documented both it’s beauty as well as it’s destruction. In the process he discovered Europe’s wildest valley.
- Saveparadiseforests – primary forests of Romania under siege Romania hosts the largest tracks of primary and old growth forests in temperate zone Europe. However, they are vanishing rapidly due to greedy logging…
- – we support you in creating change Campaign Strategy + Problem Solving + Empowerment + Content/Images
- Visit Primary Forests Romania Visit Romania’s primary forests – and protect them!