„Unser Urwald“ – Virgin Forest. My Photography Book
After three years of photography works: My new photo-book about ancient woodlands in Europe was released in autumn 2015.
5000 years ago central Europe was covered by large beech forests. 50 meters high tree giants, large amounts of dead wood and a great biodiversity – these virgin woodlands were looking similar to the forests shown in fantasy movies today.
But have been destroyed. Almost. There are some few virgin forest areas still left in the Heart of Europe.
Since 2013 I have been visiting and documenting 77 of those wild places in the Alps, in the Carpathians, in the Dinaric Arc, in the Apennins and the hills and lowlands of the north, in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland or southern Sweden.
Many of them are truly unseen and hidden places, which have been rarely documented in photography.
You find photo portraits of Europe’s last wild woodlands in my new book „Unser Urwald. Die letzten wilden Wälder im Herzen Europas“ , which is released now (German language only).
Europe’s last wild woodlands are not save yet: In some regions such as Romania illegal logging, bad management, over use and corruption are threatening parts of the last big virgin forests within the EU. Only a part of them is protected in National Parks or UNESCO reserves. And even there they are not yet save…
With my book I also want to increase the public value of our remaining paradise forests and highlight the need to improve their protection.
You can see a preview video here: Virgin Forest on youtube.
You can order the book directly at Brandstätter Publishing House.